This is a topic where you can introduce yourself! This is not only for new users here on the forum, but for everybody. Because I think it's nice to know something about each other
Let's start with myself..
I'm Martijn. But I think you already know this from my nickname. I'm 28 years old. And feel lucky that I live in the same country as The Gathering does. So this makes it easier to visit gigs of my favourite band. Other bands I like are Queen (my all time favourite; in particular when Freddie was still alive

), Within Temptation and After Forever.
I don't play any music intrument myself. Besides music (listening, visiting gigs, making a TG-fansite,
making pictures of other bands besides TG) I like to visit the theatre. There is a very nice one in my hometown Leiden. It's an old building with a great sphere. Cabaret performances I like very much, with artists like (for the dutch people) Lebbis & Jansen, Theo Maassen, Hans Teeuwen, Youp van 't Hek, Javier Guzman.
I like to
travel. to discover different countries and cultures. During the last five years I've been on holidays to Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, Egypt and India. Some pictures can be found on my website: And I like to visit a museum and
zoo's. And as you might have noticed (if you had a look at the links) I like photography too.

Cycling Colours, a The Gathering fansite
http://www.cyclingcolours.nlnews, live photo's, setlists, cd-reviews, interviews, links