08/07/2010 - by Hans
Hi all,
Hope you are all fine and well!
We are currently enjoying a splendid summer with a lot of sun, football (will the Dutch soccer team finally become world champion??), and we are busy with some new ideas musically.
News is that we will do a nice festival the 11th of september in Beringe, the Netherlands called ‘Rocksjlaag‘. Unfortunatly Marjolein is not available that evening because of her job, so we asked Hugo again to join us once more and play with us, and he would love to do this! This is the first time Hugo will play with us in The Netherlands. We are all looking forward to this. Marjolein will play the other gigs in september.
... Sareste più contenti se 'sti mondiali li vincesse l'Olanda o la Spagna???
Sinceramente quest'anno, dopo la figura barbina dell'Italia, non me ne importa più molto. Volevo fare a bradelli la bandiera

... I need a cloud to jump on somewhere to dream to pick my own sparkling sun ...