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We've designed an e-card to promote the Gathering some more over the internet and we thought it would be a good idea to share it with you all. If you like it, feel free to spread the word as well. You might have some friends whom you think could be introduced to the band with the West Pole. Of course, you can just use the link to the card, but things always looks more attractive when they're well presented

You can check the e-card here
http://www.wix.com/thegatheringband/THE ... 20E%20CARDWe hope you'll like it.
Since we after all are playing our first gigs in almost two years and it will be the first gig with Silje we thought we should do something special for you guys attending the gigs. We are planning to have a lot of fun at these first gigs and they will be very personal and special to us, so we decided we will give away some brand new merch, signed posters and cds, and a little meet&greet where some of you can meet up with the band to have a nice chat and take some pics, and the best of all; we might even film YOU!
All you have to do is to send us an email to
contestgathering@gmail.com telling us a shortly why you should be the one and include your full name.

... I need a cloud to jump on somewhere to dream to pick my own sparkling sun ...