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PostPosted: 25 Nov 2005, 04:40 
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your hypocrisy detector is broken, i can't understand your meaning.

I edited my post for clarity after you copied that. But anyway, I'm out for most of the night (it's thanksgiving). You are welcome to continue this discussion with me later on this board or through PM if you would like. :wink:

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PostPosted: 25 Nov 2005, 05:14 
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Happy thanksgiving day, i don't know what kind of celebration is that but have fun.


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PostPosted: 26 Nov 2005, 01:44 
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Zunic wrote:
ken1 wrote:
Yes, Zunic, you ARE a true sucker.
And a spammer.
And I didn't even bother to read your post.
Do you think anyone does?
Do you think that the one with most letters win?
Did you forget this was a harmless JOKE?

I am indeed a sucker because I continue to fall into the futile trap of responding to simpleton's like yourself.

I guess if I repeatedly posted three or four messages in a row with single song recommendations on the "Current Playlist" thread in order to bloat my post tally, like certain users on this forum that shall remain anonymous :roll: , I could stray away from this "spammer" impression you've handily labeled me as.

And that apology I offered you a while back? Well I retract that. I was so wrong, and my initial observations were so right, as they usually are.

Love you, too Image

Age is not a matter of skin, it's a matter of attitude...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 26 Nov 2005, 14:34 
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I have a good torture method for you both:

Letting someone read a thread on a forum where two people think they are right and make the same points over and over again, only in slightly different words... :evil:

Why did I even bother to read this whole thing.... I guess I am a sucker for torture... :o

Here's a point to think about: Bush started this whole Iraq thing to get the attention away from his unbelievanle bad domestic policies and to enrich his friends in the weapon industry because they got him in the office in the first place...
Why do you think Clinton got away with the whole Lewinsky affair??? One tip: watch Wag the Dog... :wink:

Bottom line: Bush is a moronic idiot and the google result IS funny!

great, another post on the teller for me as well!!!


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PostPosted: 26 Nov 2005, 23:41 
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Lol, what the hell did you just say Preacher?!? Whoa that was waaaay out there. :o

I think you need to re-evaluate who the "moronic idiot" is here. :wink:

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PostPosted: 14 Dec 2005, 16:32 

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ok....i know this thread is all but dead....and i hate to dig into old wounds here but just a question to you zunic.

just keep in mind that i'm not either for or against GWB. i'm not trying to be ironic or anything. i hate anything political cos all the world's politicians have shown that they're the ones that have screwed up everything in the first place and it's the simple guys like you and me that end up paying for their crap, that end up dying in their wars, that end up arguing on these forums while they eat out of gold platters.

so anyway, my question is do you believe that the 2 bush administrations have made any serious mistakes?

something i really disagree with you though is that for me, 'it doesn't work' doesn't really cut it as a good enough reason for not using pain inflicting methods of interrogation. i mean if it did work would we be excused in using them? i think not.

once again, i don't care much for politics. politicians the world over make me sick so i'm not trying to open a can of worms here.

Smile....... it makes others worry

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PostPosted: 17 Dec 2005, 21:34 
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hey zunic i heard W admitted that they never had facts for mass weapons from iraq,but attacked anyway.
i also saw himself on tv admitting that he gave illegal orders to spy inside the US,phone calls,e mails,and even breaking and searching houses without permission. of course he used the magic words "11/9" and "national security" :lol: :lol: :lol:

but zunic doesnt have to answer,i know he already agrees and finds allright al these 8)

you own me...


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PostPosted: 18 Dec 2005, 04:43 
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Petros, you are a beacon of ignorance.

From a report released today by the associated press:

The program through the nation's largest spy agency is designed in part to fix problems revealed by the 2001 attacks, in which it came to be learned that two of the suicide hijackers were communicating from San Diego with al-Qaida operatives overseas

It is not really illegal for the president to sign an executive order to eavesdrop on calls transmitting between the U.S. and other countries, especially if he notifies congress. I'm sure you didn't hear that (or a spun version of it) thanks to an extremely bias report you most likely were subjected to.

Something else you probably didn't hear about; The New York times story (more on them below along with the Washington Post and their extremely illegal CIA leak source and activities) indicated that most of this eavesdropping occurred only months (Bush may have indicated differently and that he has continued doing it, I'm not sure) after the 9/11 attacks. Either way, the process of obtaining a warrant from the secret court is extremely slow and plagued with bureaucracy. It can take months to receive a warrant via this process, and quite frankly detouring around that may have been within the best security interest of a country that had recently sustained an unimaginable attack.

Ironically, the 9/11 commission heavily criticized the government's inability to monitor these types of communications after they uncovered the fact that the 9/11 hijackers were making international calls which could have foiled their plot had it been caught in time. The funny thing that is equally ironic though, is that a warrant could not have been issued to monitor the 9/11 hijackers through this legal avenue anyway, because they probably couldn't provide probable cause which would have been necessary.

I guess this is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. The biggest difference is if you "do" 3,000 people don't die. Amazing how you are basically punished by being smeared for making the right decisions in politics nowdays. This shit would have never happened during the FDR days.

Now if Bush did in fact sign an order to spy on Americans talking to other Americans within the United States of America, it is definitely illegal and a clear violation of constitutional powers. If this was indeed the case, the burden of proof is on Bush and he needs to make it clear this action was taken with nothing but the best interest of protecting the nation while simultaneously remaining conscience of the people's civil liberties.

If the eavesdropping was illegal and partisan hacks want to go after Bush because of it, about half of Congress should be held liable as well, since they were practically in on the operation, or at the very least fully aware of it, right alongside Bush. This includes some very liberal Democrat senators (people who think like you) such as Jay Rockefeller for example.

hey zunic i heard W admitted that they never had facts for mass weapons from iraq

Where did he say this? I haven't seen it. I mean, I always knew you liked to put things in your ass, but never knew you were quite so capable of pulling things out of your ass, which is clearly where this came from.

spy inside the US,phone calls,e mails,and even breaking and searching houses without permission

Again, stick to putting things in your ass. Bush never said anything about invading houses and I have yet to see any reports of officials entering people's houses without proper warrants. If that had ever happened it would have created a massive-scale media shitstorm, because everyone knows not a single damn person has the right to invade a private residence without a warrant issued from a judge/court.

of course he used the magic words "11/9" and "national security"

11/9? What happened on November 9th? National security is the job of the legislative and executive branch of the federal government.

Notice how this and the "secret prison" story conveniently came out within a couple weeks or so after the latest poll numbers which have shown Bush to be on the upswing in popularity? I'm not much into conspiracy theories and the like, but could it possibly be conceivable that this was a well timed news plant? Let me tell you something; The Central Intelligence Agency has a filthy dirty little disease infected rat running around amongst its ranks, and that little rat needs to be snuffed out and prosecuted immediately. How do you think the NY Times got this story along with every other classified story they have published recently? Do you think they routed out top secret information with incredibly good investigative journalism? Perhaps, just maybe by some whim of a slight possibility, someone in the CIA is being paid off to leak classified information that pertains to national security by at least two different news organizations (NY Times and Washington Post).

The irony of this whole report is that the New York Times committed an equal to or greater infraction of the law by exposing and publishing classified intelligence gathering methods that they deem is illegal activity on the president's behalf. Committing a crime to supposedly expose a crime? That's actually quite a new and interesting concept. :-?

Liberals cry out and demand justice when the completely insignificant Vallerie Plame, a desk worker at the CIA is outed. But when intelligence secrets that jeopardize national security and the safety of every American citizen are "outed," everything couldn't be more fine and dandy so long as it plays to their advantage and makes Bush look bad.

The U.S. will be hit with terrorism again. It's not a matter of if - it's a matter of when. And when that time comes, if the investigation afterwards shows us that an easily monitored phone conversation could have thwarted the entire attack, just like it could have with a couple of the hijackers on 9/11; There's going to be hell to pay to those that have made it their duty to expose these types of stories in order to simply diminish the president's popularity and to pander to their political counterparts in Washington D.C. that desperately want their power back.

It wouldn't surprise me if Alberto Gonzales expanded Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation to probe whoever in the CIA is leaking this information. Failing to do so would actually be criminally negligent on Gonzales' part, so I certainly hope at the very least he would act on this in some way.

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PostPosted: 18 Dec 2005, 05:23 
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so anyway, my question is do you believe that the 2 bush administrations have made any serious mistakes?

George H. W. Bush:

Negatives in order, #1 being worst

1. Raised taxes amidst an economic recession that proved to only drown the economy even further. Of course this all came after the famous quote he made during his campaign "Read my lips: No new taxes."

I'm still pretty pissed off about that one.

2. Appointed David Souter to the Supreme court. This guy farced his way onto the court by pretending to be a conservative just to later reveal he is actually one of the most liberal members of the court. Despite the fact that he misled the president, the senate and the public in order to gain a seat on the bench; This guy is responsible for some absolutely reprehensible rulings such as the Kelo decision which allows the government to seize private property from citizens in order to give it to other citizens for private development so the city/state can increase their tax revenues. It makes me want to vomit just thinking about it.

3. NAFTA. Bush Sr. set this in motion and I was never a huge fan really. But it's relatively minor I guess compared to lying about tax increases and appointing Souter.

Positives in order

1. The first Gulf war. He did an amazing job leading the coalition to victory in Kuwait. Unfortunately this operation was the root cause of Osama bin Laden's hate towards the U.S. for "tainting holy land" in Saudi Arabia, but going in there and removing Saddam from Kuwait was the right thing to do and I personally have no regrets about it.

2. Appointed Clarence Thomas to the supreme court. This guy has an amazing judicial philosophy, and I wish 5 or 6 of his other colleagues would share the same type of philosophy and approach to interpreting the constitution this guy does.

3. Communism ended on his watch. I actually attribute this more to Reagan and 40 years worth of policy, but it happened on his watch so he deserves at least some credit for it. He did have a tough stance against communism and was the vice president during most of the 80s, so he did have a hand in bringing it all down.

As far as the current Bush administration goes: I think it's too early to judge his presidency. I also think it's still too early to judge Clinton's presidency as a whole. Bush also hasn't finished out his term yet, so we'll have to allow some time to lapse after he's gone in order to determine whether history can prove which decisions were right and which were wrong.

In reference to the torture: I was initially going to go into detail about this, but I figure we can agree to disagree and understand that we have some fundamental differences regarding that subject.

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PostPosted: 19 Dec 2005, 01:40 
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Off topic: the world is like...coming to an end :o . The past few years have been so strange. This year, there have been more natural disasters than in any other decade(I think). The past few years we have seen the war get worse, the smallest babies in record history being born, strange religious "sightings", disputes over laws, terrorism, unlinked terrorism disasters that seem terrorist-related, freak accidents and some other stuff I can't think of right now. The thing that freaks me out the most is the predictions of Nostradamus and how he said the "two towers" would fall(9/11). :o :o :o *hides under covers*.

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PostPosted: 19 Dec 2005, 10:22 
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I don't like huge monologues where people try to convince people about things and do not respect each others point of view...
If you want to deal about politics so much you can indeed go there or

whatever, just stop posting 3 pages of replies to quotes that make absolute non sense on this board

Thank you

Maybe i'm paranoid, yeah that's my problem
You almost have to be when you look like me

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